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Dashwood Chardonnay 750ml

Classic Chardonnay aromatics mingle in the glass with a touch of citrus peel, ripe stone fruit and toasty oak. The palate is rich and creamy with grilled peaches, lemons and brioche through the mid palate. Fine, toasted oak and balanced acidity lead to a long and satisfying finish. Enjoy alongside creamy cheeses, BBQ chicken or a porcini risotto.

Esk Valley Estate Chardonnay 750ml

This is a medium bodied and elegant Hawke's Bay Chardonnay. Its flavour profile is a mix of stonefruit, grilled nuts, grapefruit and yeasty nuances. It is both complex and delicious.

Fat Bird Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is bursting with melons, peach and ripe tropical and citrus fruits, followed by a generous fruit-driven palate. Classic Chardonnay roundness, giving a mouth-filling finish.

Fickle Mistress Marlborough Chardonnay 750ml

Fine example of a Marlborough Chardonnay from the team at Fickle Mistress.

Giesen Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Savoury characters, lifted ripe fruit and a succulent, creamy yet vibrant texture with a touch of toasty sweet oak.

Grant Burge Ink Buttery Chardonnay 750ml

Vibrant & Opulent, Grant Burge Ink is designed to make a statement. This buttery chardonnay from South Australia has a rich yellow colour. Bold flavours of ripe peach, apple and toasted nuts combine with velvety creaminess and generous buttery texture.

Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay is from South East Australia and has juicy fruit characters of white peach, yellow nectarine and subtle hints of vanillin that make it very easy drinking. A solid choice to serve with seafood and chicken dishes.

Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay 6x1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Chardonnay is from South East Australia and has juicy fruit characters of white peach, yellow nectarine and subtle hints of vanillin that make it very easy drinking. A solid choice to serve with seafood and chicken dishes.

Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay 6x750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay is a modern Australian Chardonnay, showcasing a range of ripe fruit flavours, finishing with a creamy mouthfeel. On the nose subtleties of toasted oak with fresh rockmelon and stone fruit aromas. The palate is soft and well-rounded with melon, peach and toasted oak flavours with a creamy textural finish.

Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Chardonnay is a modern Australian Chardonnay, showcasing a range of ripe fruit flavours, finishing with a creamy mouthfeel. On the nose subtleties of toasted oak with fresh rockmelon and stone fruit aromas. The palate is soft and well-rounded with melon, peach and toasted oak flavours with a creamy textural finish.

Jules Taylor Chardonnay 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Main Divide Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is packed with an abundance of citrus and stone fruit, together with the tropical aromas of pineapple and guava. Interspersed also with floral notes reminiscent of honeysuckle and jasmine. The palate is concentrated and mouth-filling, yet balanced with refreshing acidity that complements its lingering dry finish. Vegan Friendly.
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